The Click Five 五次方樂團
Kyle Patrick 漫畫美型男 凱爾(主唱)
Ben Romans班仔(鍵盤手)
Ethan Mentzer 伊森(貝斯手)
Joey Zehr 喬伊(鼓手)
Joe Guese 阿喬 (吉他手)
Jenny MV
Jenny 歌詞
She calls me baby, then she won't call me.
Says she adores me and then ignores me.
Jenny, what's the problem?
She keeps her distance and sits on fences.
Puts up resistance and builds defenses.
Jenny, what's the problem?
You leave me hanging on the line.
Every time you change your mind.
First You say you won't, then you say you will.
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on.
I"m standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
Jenny, it's killing me.
She needs her own space. She's playing mind games.
Ends up at my place saying that she's changed.
Jenny, what's the problem?
I'm trying to read between the lines.
You got me going out of my mind.
First, you say you won't, then you say you will.
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on.
I'm standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
Jenny, it's killing me. It's killing me. It's killing me.
First, you say you won't, then you say you will.
You keep me hanging on, and I'm not moving on.
I'm standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
First, you say you won't, then you say you will.
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on.
I'm standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
Jenny. It's killing me. It's killing me. Jenny.
◎ F.I.R. 飛兒樂團 阿沁親筆手繪The Click Five 團員漫畫Q版
◎ 5次方樂團中英文私密小檔案、歌詞
★整張專輯百分百流暢聆聽度: 從芭樂主打歌「Jenny」一路到輕快俏皮的「Happy Birthday」以及抒情令人動容的情歌「Mary Jane」首首皆可主打 支支動聽